What Small Business Owners Need To Know About The New Round Of PPP Loans
Do you qualify? And if so. where do you apply? Well… we have some answers below: Round 2 of the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) opened on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021. For the first week of PPP2, the program is only available to small businesses applying at community financial institutions (CFIs). These lenders provide funding […]
Grants for Arts Projects

As more and more small business are struggling with making ends meet during this pandemic, we wanted to see if there are any options for arts and crafts vendors to maybe find funding for our fellow artisans. This pandemic hit home for so many of us and it’s really encouraging to see efforts from government […]
Transition from Live to Virtual Events

As we are all cooped up inside our homes and under the “stay at home” order which most states have in place currently, the events industry, all together, has been faced with a new challenge – how to survive the novel coronavirus pandemic? Event organizers together with arts and crafts vendors, food vendors, independent consultants […]
How to have a successful booth at vendor events
Here are our top seven tips: Keep It Simple. Keep your display simple and eye catching. … Draw People In. Make sure there’s a reason for people to stop by, and more importantly stay, at your booth. … Stay Front and Center. Never sit or stand behind your booth. … Be Smart About Your […]
Vendors Due Your Diligence on Competition

We have created this short weekly blog only to provide more help understanding both Vendors and Event Organizers and create a common ground for both parties. Please remember that this should be a team work, not a competition. We are involved with both parties on a regular basis and we hope this weekly blog will […]
Know your Organizer

I recently joined a Facebook group of arts & crafts vendors and while reading through different posts and comments, I realized that a lot of vendors are complaining about different events they participated in and blaming the organizer for the lack of advertising. While in some cases this could be true, vendors also need to […]
Welcome to our Blog!

We are introducing you to the latest trends in the Events industry from the best designers worldwide. We are also showcasing the most fashionable events in the Washington DC Metro Area, so make sure you follow our blog! Enjoy!!